1. Alleantia Knowledge Base
  2. Connect Device - Machine Driver

How can I create a driver?

In the Alleantia Library of Things, XPango, you find an IoT repository of well over 5,000 drivers to get OT data from many industrial machines and share it to any IT platform or application.

Our wide range of drivers covers most industrial machines on the market, by type, model, brand, and protocol (check here). Furthermore, if you don’t find the driver you are interested in, it is possible to create proprietary drivers.

There are two tools to create your driver for communicating with industrial device:

  1. Base: Preset Spreadsheets
  2. Advanced: Driver Editor (you must request the access here)

Base Tool - Preset Spreadsheets

Create your driver through Preset Spreadsheets:

  1. Log in Alleantia Cloud Portal;
  2. Click on <Things> in the menu, then Create <Things>;
  3. Select and download the template, in Excel format, for generating the mapping file of a Modbus, Siemens S7 or Ethernet-Ip, Melsec, Omron Fins, OPC-UA device;
  4. Fill in the template with device data type;
  5. Upload the Excel file to receive your .xmod driver (if mapping file creation is successfully completed, the .xmod file will be downloaded automatically);
  6. Load converted file in section "Configuration" -> "Informations" -> "Devices catalog" of  Alleantia

Follows these instructions to create a driver with preset spredsheets:

Advanced Tool – Driver Editor

Create your driver through Driver Editor:

  1. Log in Alleantia Cloud Portal;
  2. In the menu Click on <Things>, then Create <Things> and select Create your driver;
  3. Upload already formed archives or create the driver from an empty template;
  4. Fill in all required fields;
  5. Save the physical file or adding the driver to the private library (click here to know more about private library). In this case, save the physical file on the file system and add it to the Alleantia driver library.

In the video below, you can find all the steps to create your driver with Driver Editor.


Related article and manual:

How create an OPC-UA driver through Driver Editor?

Xpango Driver Editor _User Manual

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