Alleantia Edge Gateway Network ports

Based on the list of ports and services provided, here is a detailed summary that can be used to set up firewalls, routers, and other network equipment to ensure proper operation of the required services.

The configuration considers inbound and outbound ports for different services/protocols.
  • Inbound: Ports that must be open to allow incoming connections.
  • Outbound: Ports that must be open to allow outgoing connections.
  • Security: Be sure to implement appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Internal communications: Some ports are used only for internal communications and should not be blocked by local firewalls.

This diagram can be used to properly configure the firewall and other network equipment to ensure optimal operation of the various services and protocols listed.

Port Number Service/Protocol Description Inbound Outbound
21 FTP File Transfer Protocol  ✔   ✔ 
22 SSH Secure Shell (Linux version only, for remote access)  ✔   ✔ 
25 SMTP (email) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (email)    ✔ 
53 DNS Domain Name System    ✔ 
80 Web interface/Rest API Web interface / REST API (mandatory for remote access)  ✔   ✔ 

Siemens S7

Siemens Protocol for PLC    ✔ 
123(UDP) NTP Network Time Protocol    ✔ 
139 Netbios Network basic Input/Output System    ✔ 
161 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol    ✔ 
443 Https/SSL Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure / Secure Sockets Layer  ✔   ✔ 
445 Samba Network file sharing protocol    ✔ 
502 Modbus Communication protocol for industrial devices  ✔   ✔ 
503 Modbus Gateway Modbus Gateway  ✔   ✔ 
683 Meldas CNC CNC Meldas Protocol    ✔ 
1433 Microsoft Sql Server Database Microsoft SQL Server    ✔ 
1521 Oracle DB Database Oracle    ✔ 
1883 MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport  ✔   ✔ 
3306 MySQL Database MySQL    ✔ 
4840 Opc-ua Industrial automation communication protocol    ✔ 
5432 PostgreSQL Database PostgreSQL    ✔ 
5512 -5515 IRC5 Robot IRC5 Protocol    ✔ 
5555 Fanuc (internal socket) Internal socket used by Fanuc application. Should not be blocked by local antivirus/firewall    ✔ 
5671 Amqps (Azure IoT Hub) Secure Protocol for Azure IoT Hub    ✔ 
5900 VNC Virtual Network Computing (mandatory for remote assistance)  ✔   ✔ 
5938 Team Viewer Remote assistance software (mandatory for remote assistance)  ✔   ✔ 
6668 Meldas (internal socket) Internal socket used by the Meldas application. Should ot be blocked by local antivirus/firewall    
8080 Web interface (alternative) Alternative web interface  ✔   ✔ 
8082 Internal DB webinterface Web interface for internal database  ✔   ✔ 
8193 Fanuc Focas Protocol for Fanuc CNC Machines    ✔ 
8883 AWS (IoT Core) Amazon Web Services IoT Service    ✔ 


(internal socket)

Internal socket used by Heidenhain application. Should ot be blocked by local antivirus/firewall    
9000 Siemens CNC  Protocol for Siemens CNC machines    ✔ 
9600 Omron FINS TCP Omron FINS Communication Protocol    ✔ 
11159 PVI Protocol for PLC B&R    ✔ 
19000 Heidenhain CNC  Protocl for Heidenhain CNC Machines    ✔ 
19003 Heidenhain CNC  Protocl for Heidenhain CNC Machines    ✔ 
24000 Selca CNC Protocol for Selca CNC Machines     ✔ 
44818 Ethernet /IP Ethernet/IP protocol for industrial automation    ✔